Changing the storyline
The group decided to change the story line to make it a more mysterious thriller. their will be 2 men wearing smart clothes (suits) with briefcases, one man in a cafe and one will have just entered Wem off the train. the man that just got off the train (2nd man) will ring the 1st man to tell him he is in Wem and arrange to meet up somewhere quiet, split screen shots will be used for the phone call and extreme close ups of the phone, brief case, and a clock to show the time, a point of view shot will show the journey to the bench for both men with camera cuts going from man to man, this clip will be edited to play fast to give it a fast paced effect. the men will meet up at a bench on a park as a stereo-typical drug deal, everything will be going well. the men will swap brief cases then walk away with relief, they will walk back to their destinations (train station and home) and notice that their brief cases are empty, the audience will think they have both tried to rob each other and a phone call will make the audience aware that both men have not deliberately ripped each other off. the camera will then fade out then in to a woman with both briefcases and very happy.